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Suppose you have a low-level library that implements some features in a specific domain, and you need a language capable of using those features to create small scripts, write prototypes, explore the library capabilities.
What you can do is to first use LAC to create a REPL 1 and then extend the LAC language with elements from your library.
Writing a REPL in LAC is extremely simple. The C program in Figure 2.1 produces an interactive command line REPL capable of executing LAC statements, e.g.:
LAC>(+ 2 2) 4
This will be essentially an interpreter for a basic LISP-like language, and you will be able to do integer, list and symbol processing with ease. You will also be able to create macros to extend the language to your needs. See The LAC Language.
#include <stdio.h> #include <readline/readline.h> #include <lac.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { lenv_t *null_env; /* Initialize LAC (create NULL environment) */ null_env = lac_init(); if (null_env == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize lac"); return -1; } /* REPL loop. */ while (1) { char *buf; lreg_t res; /* Read an input line */ buf = readline ("LAC>"); if (buf == NULL) break; /* Evaluate S-Expressions. */ res = sexpr_eval_string (buf, null_env); /* Print the result */ sexpr_fprint(stdout, res); printf("\n"); } /* Exit REPL */ return 0; }
Figure 2.1: A simple REPL for the LAC library
The usefulness of LAC emerges when you add support for your own libraries to this language, and you can do this in two ways: adding Native Procedures and Atom Types.
Procedures in LISP-like languages are similar to what functions are in C. There are some major differences with C functions, for example in LAC procedures are first-class functions2 and that they can be defined and modified at runtime.
A Native Procedure is a procedure written in a low level language, opaque to the interpreter (cannot be inspected or changed). LAC defines a standard C interface for the low-level procedures, and functions to hook this function to symbols in the LISP machine.
Let’s clarify the previous sentence with an example: the following C function is a Native Procedure.
LAC_API static lreg_t proc_hello (lreg_t args, lenv_t * argenv, lenv_t * env) { fprintf(stdout, "Hello, World!"); return NIL; }
It is a simple procedure that, ignoring all arguments passed, will always print to standard output the string “Hello, World!”, and return the empty value NIL.
LAC_API is mostly needed to tell the compiler to follow certain rules (mostly alignment) that will ensure that it can be processed internally by the interpreter.
Adding this line to the code in Figure 2.1 is not enough though to access it. We need to associate this function to a symbol, and this is called registering.
/* PRE: lac_init() has already been called, and has returned null_env. */ lac_extproc_register (null_env, "hello", proc_hello);
This will hook the procedure defined above to the symbol HELLO. If we add to our code and run the REPL again, we will have a new command available in our interpreter. Note that symbols are case insensitive.
LAC>HELLO <#LLPROC> LAC>(HELLO) Hello, World!() LAC>(hello) Hello, World!() LAC>
The function, as you can see above, first prints out to the screen the
word “Hello, World!”, and then returns, NIL, the void value of LISP,
which is also the empty list, and this gets printed by the Print
phase of the REPL as ()
To complete the example, we can change proc_hello
to return a
string instead of printing it to screen directly:
LAC_API static lreg_t proc_hello(lreg_t args, lenv_t * argenv, lenv_t * env) { return lac_string_box("Hello, World!"); }
If we register the above function, the REPL will return a string atom:
LAC>(hello) "Hello, World!" LAC>
REPL stands for Read, Eval, Print Loop. It is used to describe the core functionality of an interpreter: reading an input, evaluating the value of the input and printing the calculated output value.
This essentially means that a procedure (and its scope) can be treated as a value, passed as a parameter and returned by another procedure
Next: Embedding LAC, Up: Using LAC [Contents][Index]